Consultant Services to Attorneys and Mediators

The most common questions divorce professionals have surround the marital home and spousal maintenance.

"I know my client is entitled to maintenance but I'm not sure how much and for how long is fair."  WE CAN HELP!

"My client wants to stay in the house but can't qualify to refinance. What can we do?"  WE CAN OFFER SOLUTIONS!

“My client has restricted stock in a private company. How de we evaluate this? THIS IS NOT UNCOMMON AND WE ARE EXPERIENCED IN ANALYZING THESE SITUATIONS!

Don't risk your career advising on financial issues that are not your specialty.

We also offer A'la Carte services for the following:

  • Pension Valuations.

  • Stock Options and Executive Compensation.

  • 401(k) Community Property Valuation.

  • Lifestyle Analysis (Critical for business owners that filter expenses through a business and need an accurate statement of earnings to determine income available for maintenance).

  • Maintenance Buy-out Calculations.

  • Working with your client to establish a long-term future budget.


Since 1993, Certified Divorce Financial Analyst (CDFA®) has been the most established and recognized designation in financial planning for divorce.