The Creative Divorce Solutions Approach

1. Establish Goals and Priorities. We begin by meeting with you face-to-face to determine your current and long-term financial needs. We explain our process and the services we provide in detail. During this first meeting we encourage you to ask a lot of questions. The goal is for you to leave this meeting feeling comfortable about our next steps and confident in the process.

2. Determine Monthly/Annual Budgets. Our approach allows us to efficiently gather the financial information that we will use to prepare for your financial future. In the case of divorce, this includes the process of preparing a Financial Affidavit and will result in all the income and expense information that you will need to provide to your attorney. In some divorce cases, this may require that we prepare a complete Lifestyle Analysis.

3. Document Assets and Liabilities. We will document all assets and associated liabilities to determine a complete financial picture. Assets may include: Real Estate, Employee Benefits (Deferred Compensation, Stock Options, Pension Plans, 401K, 403B), Cash, Investment Accounts, Personal Property, Privately Owned Businesses. Liabilities may include: Mortgages, Loans, Credit Cards, Business Obligations.

4. Analyze the Information. We will analyze your and your spouse's information, checking for accuracy and ensuring that all contingencies and pitfalls are considered. If inaccuracies are discovered, we will work closely with you and your attorney to rectify them.

5. Develop Settlement Scenarios and Budgets. Based on your goals and priorities as well as our findings, we will develop up to three solid financial scenarios that will show you the short and long term result and ramifications of different settlement options. The first scenario will serve as the proposed settlement. The second and third scenarios will provide alternative proposals that strive to honor both spouses’ priorities and wishes.

6. Review Scenarios. We will review these scenarios with you and, in the case of a pending divorce, with your attorney. After this review we will make any necessary changes and provide a final path forward.

7. Participate in Mediation/Court Proceedings. If necessary, we can participate in mediation either as a financial neutral or representing one of the parties to answer any questions or provide additional information. We can also appear in court to review our recommendations.

8. Follow-up. In the case of a divorce, we like to follow up once the proceedings have been finalized to ensure that all post-divorce details have been completed and answer any final questions.